воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I hope everyone is having fun as Hogsmeade weekend begins to wind down Iapos;m doing my final social post now because I suspect Iapos;ll be asleep past the point when a social post would be advisable tomorrow. XD

Iapos;m abandoning any pretext of Halloween or Harry Potter themed things Letapos;s talk about Disney :D We all love Disney, right?

1. Whatapos;s your favourite Disney movie?
2. Who is your favourite Disney hero or heroine?
3. Who is your favourite Disney villain?
4. Who is your favourite Disney talking animal?
5. Whatapos;s your favourite Disney couple?
BONUS. What story (fable, myth, book, etc) do you really wish would be made into a Disney film? (Optional)

How unexpected Itapos;s the return of the handy text box

Feel free to chatter about your Hogsmeade experience so far as well, if you like. :D (Though there will probably be an *~official feedback post~* later, but itapos;s screened. So nowapos;s your chance to discuss Hogsmeade with your classmates)


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du la rail vie

Alright, soo...yeah. Hiya, people of LiveJournal, new and old Haha. Iapos;m Androgynous17, but that is by no means my real name. I think people would be kinda freaked if my name was that. Seriously. Anyways, itapos;s freaking 1 in the morning, but Iapos;m being such an insomniac and whatnot. So, I decided to join an online community site-thing so I can have a place to rant and talk and whatnot. Itapos;s always easier to tell your feelings to strangers and stuff, and itapos;s A�LOT more easier (sometimes) when itapos;s not in person, sooo...here we go

Now, Iapos;m sorry if what I say makes no sense whatsoever, but really, get over it. Iapos;m blaring my favourite band of all time, Tokio Hotel, and if youapos;ve got a problem with them, you can kiss my butt. Yeah, thatapos;s right. MY BUTT. Haha. Man, I canapos;t believe Iapos;ve gone a whole paragraph without using a smilie. Iapos;m on a roll But yeah. I guess I should talk about myself a little bit.

I love Tokio Hotel and Evanescence.
I love music in general.
I have three cats.
I live with my mother and two sisters.
They drive me utterly insane sometimes.
Iapos;m not a huge movie nor t.v. Person, but hey, if youapos;re lucky, I might be able to talk that language with you. ;D
Wow, a smilie
Uhm...I like to ramble.
Iapos;m currently making a YIM account to go along with this LJ account.
I like random adds and random IMapos;s and random chats.
I also like comments and love, haha.
I love to write.
I love to read.
I currently have writerapos;s block. Yeah. Somewhat.
Iapos;m getting nowhere with that "making a YIM user name" thing.
I should probably return my books to my schoolapos;s library before I end up owing over $100 before I�graduate.
I can play a lot of instruments.
I would love to play guitar, and Iapos;m slightly self-teaching, but I honestly suck booty at it.
Iapos;m still failing with that user name thing.
I get distracted very easily.
I talk too much sometimes.
I donapos;t talk enough at other times.
I can tell you straight up my opinion sometimes.
Other times Iapos;ll hold my tongue.
AKA, I know when my opinion is wanted and when itapos;s not wanted.
If you tell me you want the truth, Iapos;ll give you the damn truth.
Got it? ^-^
Okay, give my five minutes to make this screen name.
Alright, itapos;s "androgynous_17", in case you want to add me.
Yeah. Random _. Thatapos;s because YIM�wanted to be stupid and said "androgynous17" was taken.
How dare people steal my name.
I like video games.
Zelda is freaking awesome.
I also have some other games, such as 007 Goldeneye.
I should probably play them more often.

Anyways, Iapos;m done with the random list thing. XD Hmn...Iapos;ve been going at this for 16 minutes now, haha. ^-^ Iapos;M COMMITTED. Yeah. Anyways, so, with this whole blog thing. Iapos;ll try and post at least once or twice a week. If I have something interesting to say, youapos;ll get a post a day for a little while. I doubt Iapos;ll post twice a day; I have other stuff to do (not really). So yeah.

Thereapos;s my introduction to the site. My feet in the water to check itapos;s the right temperature. Yeah.
So, feel free to comment if you happen to find and read through this horrible rambling.
Unless lurkering is your style, then stick with it.
Again, donapos;t hesitate to add me on YIM�(androgynous_17) if you have the urge to get to know me a little bit more.
Sorta like a "behind the scenes" thing.
Also, in case youapos;re wondering (Iapos;m sure some of you are), no, I am not going to give out my gender, real name, nor age. I hate how people are extremely judgemental over those things, so Iapos;m going to see how people judge me when they donapos;t know of such details. You can ask me all you want; Iapos;m not going to answer the questions. I MAY if I know you very well, but...yeah. I doubt thatapos;ll happen anytime soon. ^-^ So yeah. There is reason behind my madness Just like there is organization behind my chaotic style, haha.

Anyways, I should probably get to thinking about going to sleep. I only have today before I have to go back to stupid school. Ugh.
But yeah. Expect a post from me later on today I technically counted this one as Saturdayapos;s, since...yeah. I donapos;t know, haha. So yeah.

Until next time
- Androgynous17.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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-I miss going to shows. They used to be so much fun
-I miss going to tons of concerts. My dad used to win tickets all the time.
-I miss sitting on my front porch in Georgia playing guitar every single afternoon.
-I miss being in a band.
-I miss jamming out in Nickapos;s living room with random people.

At least I still jam out with Austin a couple times a week and we switch off instruments and have a blast... I just feel like I do not play like I used to....

Music is a beautiful language.
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OK, Iapos;ve had my cooling down period, and thought about my MacBook Pro choices.

Iapos;ve decided I couldnapos;t go with the slightly bumped 17" Steve Jobs has lowballed at me. Itapos;s too much of a loss compared to the 15" version feature set. I imagine in the next three years Iapos;d end up being sorry I didnapos;t go for the best graphics card tech. Also, last monthapos;s 17" offering, having only been marked down $250, is worse tech than the 15", but still costs more. Uh, no thank you.

So the question is, do I wait even further for the *real* 17" suped-up version to come out? Or do I just get the nicest 15" possible now, save money (over what I thought Iapos;d be paying for a 17"), and have an awesome screaming fast computer now? It seems like the latter.

On the other hand, I donapos;t usually like cutting-edge, right out of the starting gate technology. Itapos;s very easy to get burned, especially when thereapos;s a totally new configuration of motherboard, etc. You think youapos;re getting a computer now, but after sending it back twice for issues, and having them give you a totally new one later, itapos;s really like you just waited three months. Which is an appreciable risk: 25 of that happening, Iapos;d say.

And itapos;s damn hard to go back to 15". I will say, now that I have the 23" monitor at home, itapos;s far less of an issue when Iapos;m at home. But my laptop comes to work with me, and I work on it all day (like as I write this.) Iapos;ve had issues just getting the 23" workspace to shrink down to 17" every day. Iapos;ve already given up on playing WoW just on the 17"; opening it even once under 17" screws the display and gives me ten to fifteen minutes of readjusting my UI in WoW, both times (23->17, 17->23). I can imagine swapping between the 15" world and the 23" world would be even more annoying.

So Iapos;m asking you, my Flist: Iapos;m sitting here poised to hit the button on buying (on backorder via Harvard) the fancy awesome 15". Should I wait for three months to see if the 17" comes out, and to see if itapos;s the model they did right apos;cause they had the 15" early adopters to experiment on. It might be awesumr. Or I might need the money Iapos;ve saved next month when the economy collapses. Or It might be more than three months before the 17" happens. Steve Jobs might scrap the MacBook Pro line entirely. He might be switching away from Intel chips for the CPU (and so closing the door on easy dual boot land.) He might (God forbid) get sick or pass away and Apple go down the toilet.

What to do?

(Holders of Apple stock wanting to see their stock recover, please recuse yourselves from answering.)

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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This mission takes place in France where a play called Valcoste is being rehearsed.

My targets are The American Ambassador at The Vatican and The famous Tenor in the play and one of his good friends. They have been running a male and female prostitution ring selling little girls and boys in Italy.

The Operahouse is under construction so there will be many workers along with police officers there to supervise the play and the work. The Ambassador is heavily guarded in the private booth (so its impossible for me to try to do it personally).

There is actually a point in the play where the main character (i.e. The tenor) gets shot with a fake gun, maybe I should put a real gun instead. (HAHAHA PUN)

as for killing the ambassador, that one will be weird. Iapos;ll figure it out.

- Random Nigga
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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I had a really vivid dream last night, so being the sad act that i am decided to apos;dream dictionaryapos; it.
amazing how accurate it is.

what i can remember of my dream is as follows; i was in a lecture, but the class was made up of a large amount of macc people, when the lecture ended i was over hearing a conversation about myself that two guys on my course were having but i canapos;t remember what they were saying. Then i remember waiting for a bus for ages at this bus stop yet the right bus never came for where i wanted to go to, which was sainsburyapos;s. So my mum appears in a car, with dual controls, but i sit in the passenger side. Weapos;re driving along this motor-way which keeps bending out really far and everytime we go round a bend the road disappears in front of us and i keep trying to brake using my dual pedals but theyapos;re not working so we jump out of the car and watch it crash into the sea.

apos;to dream that you are driving a vehicle, signifies your lifeapos;s journey and your path in life. The dream is telling of how you are moving and navigating through life. If you are driving and cannot see the road ahead of you, then it indicates that you do not know where you are headed in life and what you really want to do with yourself. You are lacking direction and goals. If you are driving on a curvy road, then it indicates that you are have difficulties in achieving your goals and the changes associated with it.

to dream that someone else is driving you, represents your dependence on the driver. You are not in control of your life and following the goals of others instead of your own. If you are driving from the passenger side of a car, then it suggests that you are trying to gain control of the path that your life is taking. You are beginning to make your own decisions.apos;

apos;to dream that you are waiting for a bus, indicates a temporary setback in achieving your personal goals. If you miss the bus or get on the wrong bus, then it indicates that an aspect of your life is out of control. You need to slow down and map out a new plan.apos;

i couldnapos;t find anything relevant to eavesdropping on conversations two attractive males are having about yourself. Hah.

i need to dye my hair, some guy kept calling me ginger the other night.
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My application is due tomorrow, and Iapos;m STILL NOT DONE. And here I am, ABOUT READY TO FALL FRICKINapos; ASLEEP. Itapos;s almost happened twice now. Honest to frickinapos; gawd I am way too easily distracted. Even pulling myself away from the TV didnapos;t help me concentrate more. STUPID INTERNET RARARAR. And also, I space out and think about other things a lot. Like, how my birth control is annoying sometimes (I FEEL IT AUUGH). And also, where I can get a nice alto sax, and how playing the bass drum is the best times ever in percussion land. I started thinking about how hilarious it would be for me to transcribe directions in my music rehearsals and see how many people will actually get what is going on when they read them. I mean, srsly, does anyone besides me (and any other band/orchestra nerd) know what this means? --

Okay, trumpets, letapos;s try that again three measures before D. Iapos;ll give you pick ups to beat 3 and then weapos;ll move on. Remember to accent beats 1 and 3, BAH, BAH, BAH, BAH. Zzshongka ka-ta ka ka KAAAAAA---. Just like that. Right.

Ahh, musical onomatopoeias. Maybe itapos;s only hilarious to me because Iapos;m half awake. D:

In other news, apparently I have a stye. What is that? Itapos;s an infected eye lash, and Iapos;ve had it since yesterday. My right eye lid is swollen and tender. I woke up this morning and it was worse than the day before- my eye was almost swollen shut. Talk about lookinapos; hella oogly. It was sad times. Hopefully itapos;ll heal up tomorrow or the next day. The nurse said it shouldnapos;t last long.

I love the Weber Clarinet Concertino. LISTEN TO IT, NOOBS. Iapos;ma playing it for upper-d jury. Woo

I guess Iapos;d rather sleep now and wake up early to finish this damned application.
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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

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so we were supposed to train last thursday but the field was already set up for spns leg 3. I brought all my gears down to work, to the field and i was left disappointed... Especially for the fact that iapos;ve not trained in 2 weeks. Iapos;m already a nervous wreck, and i cant help feeling worst knowing that i aint fully prepare, mentally and physically, for spns. Hurhurhur.
we ended up waiting for the rests to finish up their work and head down to casuarina curry for dinner.

my kapitan and our logistics/tech dude which sums up to be... Our gayboys.

waiting for vizekapitanapos;s arrival.

woohooo MVP

and the owrd of the day must be said in a nice manner...
*whispers* aneh.
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